Short term rental statistics and data: United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi - Ar Ra’s al Akhḑar
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short term rental properties

There are 11 short term rentals properties in Ar Ra’s al Akhḑar

short term rental hosts and superhosts

In this area there are 4 unique hosts and 1 Superhosts

short term rental instant booking
Instant Booking

0 listings in Ar Ra’s al Akhḑar have Instant Booking turned on.

short term rental listing rating

All Ar Ra’s al Akhḑar listings received 17 reviews.

MonthAvailabilityMedium Price
January 202561.29%€ 356.77
February 202587.5%€ 360.09
March 202587.5%€ 325.92
April 202587.34%€ 307.51
May 202585.71%€ 312.33
June 202587.5%€ 1051.13
July 202587.5%€ 1051.13
August 202587.5%€ 1051.13
September 202587.5%€ 1055.43
October 2025100%€ 1093
November 202589.05%€ 835.86

In the next year, in Ar Ra’s al Akhḑar, the short term rental higher medium price is € 1093, and the higher medium price looking only at available listings is € 1093. Instead the lowest medium price is € 307.51 and the lowest medium price of available listings is € 213.39.
Availability of short term rental available properties in Ar Ra’s al Akhḑar from January 2025 to November 2025 varies between 61.29% and 100%.
Consider that many short term rental hosts do not open their booking calendars too far in the future. Opening your calendar for 12 months or more could be a great business opportunity.
Note: we collect and update data every day and short term rentals prices and availabilities may vary on every data update.

Properties and rooms

In the "Ar Ra’s al Akhḑar" area 54.55% of short term rental properties are classified as Entire rental unit, 18.18% are classified as Room in boutique hotel, 9.09% are classified as Entire serviced apartment, 9.09% are classified as Private room in rental unit, 9.09% are classified as Room in aparthotel, and 0% of short term rental properties are classified in minors categories.

Rooms in non exclusive use properties are divided according to the following types: 0% are "Private rooms", 0% are "Hotel rooms" and 0% are "Shared rooms"

Bedrooms and beds

Of those properties 63.64% have 1 bedroom, 27.27% have 2 bedrooms, 9.09% have bedrooms, and properties having a different number of bedrooms are 0%.

Also, the number of beds in each property varies as follows: 9.09% have 0 beds, 63.64% have 1 bed, 27.27% have 2 beds, and all other properties are about 0%.

100% have beds, 0% have Others,


The number of bathrooms for property is distributed as follows: 36.36% have bathrooms, 36.36% have 1.00 bathroom, 27.27% have 2.00 bathrooms, and properties having a different number of bathrooms are 0.01%.

Note: A half bath value means it is just a toilet and sink. There isn't a shower or tub in it, so a house with 1.5 baths has one full bathroom and one-half bath.

Max guests capacity

Regarding the number of people that the accommodation facilities are able to accommodate, in the "Ar Ra’s al Akhḑar" area's, we have the following segments: 63.64% can accomodate up to 2 guests guests, 9.09% can accomodate up to 3 guests guests, 18.18% can accomodate up to 4 guests guests, 9.09% can accomodate up to 5 guests guests, and 0% can accomodate a different number of guests.

Cancellation policies

"Ar Ra’s al Akhḑar" area's hosts apply cancellation policies for their properties as follows: 90.91% apply Strict policy, 9.09% apply Flexible policy, and hosts applying different policies are 0%.