Rest api

Get raw short-term rental data

InsideBnB’s API is available, through RapidAPI, to companies and developers to programmatically get short-term rental market data – such as geographical markets, listings, prices, availability, medium prices and much more – to use those in their end-user products and software.

Need extra data or full data?

InsideBnB Direct API allows you to access a vast amount of data with a single request. Unlike standard APIs, the Direct API provides additional information, such as license numbers, host details, and location-specific data. This may include the property’s real address, contact details, financial data, and more, depending on the location.

  • Discovery

    Search all listings in an admin area or by geo coordinates.

  • Details

    Get specific listing details and features.

  • Calendars

    Get prices and availabilities of each property for the next 10 months.

  • Stats

    Look at monthly area's medium prices and occupancy filtering on the property type.

High priority

On each request, we prioritize the specific listing to be updated multiple times per day for the next 24h to ensure you always have fresh data.

API docs

Check out our detailed API documentation to test your integration first and see the true potential of data for your business.

We have the data you need



  • 10
    realtime data requests/monthh
  • 50
    data requests/day
  • 10
    Analytics request/day


  • 30
    realtime data requests/monthh
  • 10.000
    data requests/month
  • 1.000
    Analytics request/month


  • 100.000
    realtime data requests/monthh
  • 100.000
    data requests/month
  • 10.000
    Analytics request/month

You will receive not cumulable monthly credits. You can use your credits for data requests (1 credit/req) and analytics requests (10 credits/req)